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Never enought of chocolate :)

- 1 banana

- 3 tsp of raw cocoa powder

- 1 cup of raw almond milk

Mix it well, enjoy a lot!

Need to cool-down?....This is a perfect soup for a hot day!

- 1 cucumber

- 1 cup of raw almond milk

- 1 lemon

- sea salt

- coconut oil

- fresh dill

Mix cucumber, milk, dill, salt and oil together in the Vitamix. Squeeze the lemon add to the soup. Enjoy it chilled!

My morning routine:

- 1 banana

- 1 apple

- 2 tsp of The Ultimate Meal

- 1 tsp of Moringa Powder

- 1 cup of water

Gives your boost of energy, alkalizing the system and deals with inflammation! Great way to start the day!

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