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It will take you 5 or less minutes to make it! Really.

- 1 cup of cashews

- 2,5 cups of water

Blend it together in the Vitamix, use a high speed for about 3 minutes. Done.

Raw, vegan version of tuna salad.

- 1 cup of sunflower seeds or almonds (you can also use the pulp from your almond milk)

- 4 celery sticks

- 1 lemon (juice it)

- small fresh ginger

- dulse flakes

- 1/3 cup of olive oil

- fresh dill

- 2 tsp of Himalayan salt

If you are using raw sunflower seeds or almonds, grind them first in the food processor, no need if you decided to use your almond milk pulp. Add chopped celery, ginger, lemon juice, dulse flakes, olive oil and salt, mix it well. Add fresh dill. Serve on a gluten-free bread or lettuce.

Very simple vegan delicious milk!

- 10 fresh strawberries

- 2 cups of raw almond milk

- 2 dates

- 5 prunes

- 1 tsp of vanilla extract

Mix all together in the Vitamix.

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