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Looks great and tastes great! Full of antioxidants pink smoothie from Luna's Living Kitchen!

- half a cup of frozen berries

- 1 orange

- 1 banana

- 3 tps of acai powder

- 1 tsp of bee pollen

- 1 glass of lemonade

- small piece of fresh ginger

Mix all together in the Vitamix.

Easy to make, fulfilling raw snack that can become your lunch!

- 2 tomatoes (will serve 2 people)

- 1/3 cup of sun-dried tomatoes

- 1 cup of sunflower seeds

- 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast

- 1 lime (juice it)

- 1 tsp of Celtic sea salt

- small piece of fresh ginger

- small bunch of fresh dill

Cut tomatoes in half, remove the seeds. Soak sun-dried tomatoes for at lest 10 min. Mix all ingredients, including tomato seeds in the food processor until creamy. Add some water if your wish. Stuff your tomatoes with the paste, decorate with fresh dill and serve with organic green salad.

Refreshing, easy and fast to make delicious raw snack!...or lunch if you are not super hungry.

- 1 medium size cucumber (will make 2 'boats')

- half a cup of almonds

- 1 lime (juice it)

- 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast

- small piece of fresh ginger

- bunch of fresh cilantro

- 1 tbsp of Celtic sea salt

- half a cup of water

Peel cucumber and cut it in half. Remove the seeds (keep them). Grind the almonds first (unless you are using almond milk pulp). Mix almonds with cucumber seeds, lime juice, nutritional yeast, ginger and salt in the food processor. Add chopped cilantro. Fill-up the cucumber 'boats' with the paste. Decorate with fresh cilantro and sprouted moong beans. Enjoy it with side salad.

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